Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Scary Furry Animals

Our mourning routine is the old guy gets up, makes coffee, then feeds the two upstairs cats and then comes into the garage to feed me (we're talking wet food here). So today, the door opens, the light comes on and there before me are two furry animals I have never seen before. The old guy was standing on top of them. Well, I wasn't getting near these guys. The were beige, short haired things with no eyes or feet. I circled, I growled, I even hissed. And even though the old guy talked nice to me I ran away. Then the old guy chased me around the garage. The problem was, everywhere the old guy went, the furry animals went too. Finally, out of frustration, the old guy left my food in my bowl and out he went, with the furry animals. He even had a name for them. He called thim Uggs. Well Mr. Old Guy, I'll thank you to keep the Uggs out of my territory!!!!

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