Monday, August 24, 2009

Drooling and Hissing

It's wierd but I drool. But I only drool when the old guy scratches me and brushes me. I can't help it. I'll lay in his lap and he will give me some good scratches on my back and then the side of my mouth. Then he brings out the brush and starts to brush where he scratched. I love it and purr really loud. Sometimes I bite him when he gets to aggressive or does more than one brush of my tail. But the drooling . . . I can't stop it. The more he brushes, the more I drool. Big drops too. They fall on his hands, pants and floor. Then he wipes his hand on me . . . gross.

Ok, something else new today. The old guy took off the towels on the baby gates. He had towels up so I couldn't look through that well. He had only left small peep holes for the big headed cat to stare at me. So after he took the towels down today I can see pretty well through the plastic. But above the plastic gate is a wire gate. Today, the big orange head came down and I hissed and growled and walked up to the gates. I stood on my back paws and stuck a paw through the wire gate to show who was boss. Well, the big orange head came over and sniffed my paw. I tried to smack him but I can't get much of my paw through. He didn't growl. He just looks like he wants to play. But when you are a feral cat, you can't be too careful. So I'll continue to hiss and growl for now.

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