Monday, December 14, 2009

The Legend of Barbie's Head

Once upon a time, so I'm told by the Old
Guy, Tera owned a Barbie which she and her friends played with. Even Derek played with Barbie when he was young. Well, after the kids grew older Barbie ended up in a box or drawer or some other dark place and was forgotten. Then when the family moved from 7th street, Barbie was also moved, but to a storage unit with many other toys. Last year the Old Guy began cleaning out parts of the storage unit and found Barbie, thinking that the Pretty Little Girl might want to play. So, Barbie came home . . . and got more than she bargained for. This is because there were some small creatures that really enjoyed Barbie. First Pinot, then me. And in the course of discovering Barbie we proceeded to decapitate her, hence the beginning of the legend of Barbie's Head. The legend is that every night Barbie's Head is placed in the cat toy basket, and almost every morning she is found out of the basket, as though she was trying to run and play like she could when she had a body and small children populated the household. Interestingly though, she does have a body, and unlike her head, it just lays in the basket, cold and lifeless. Although she rolls around the house looking for her body, she never finds it until the morning when she can only lay there waiting for the quiet of night, after everyone is asleep. The reality is that try as she might, Barbie's Head will never be permanently reunited with . . . Barbie's Body. Because even though the Old Guy does the reuniting, we rip her head off and send it off wondering the house "on it's own", with our gentle assistance. But the one thing that amazes me . . . she always has a big smile on her face. Yes, Barbie's Head is quite a gal.

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