Thursday, July 29, 2010

The "Tail" of the Fuzzy Stuff

I'mmmmmmm baaaa'aaaaaaack. With my play load, I don't have much time to blog. But, I promise I'll try harder. This last week the Old Guy was downstairs trying to play guitar. Frankly, it sounds like a bunch of scratching and yowling to me, but Pinot likes it. Chow Mein runs out of the room whenever he picks that thing up. Anyway, while the Old Guy was playing he noticed some fuzzy stuff on the floor. Since his seeing isn't that great . . . he must be blind . . . he didn't give it much attention. That is until the Pretty Lady yelled down to him asking whether he noticed the little bird feathers upstairs in the dining room. He didn't and he still didn't take a close look at the fuzzy stuff until he finished "playing". First he noticed a lot of finger length gray things which he picked up, examined, and found to be small bird feathers. Then he piled them up. Turns out they made quite a nice sized pile. Then he turned his attention to the other gray stuff which he thought was cat fur. He found it to be little bird down. Both he and the Pretty Lady then searched the house looking for a baby-bird carcass. So far it's been three days and they haven't found it . . . ha, ha, ha.

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